Search Results: "smcv"

9 November 2008

Simon McVittie: Encrypted root filesystem on a Debian laptop

I've been meaning to document this for ages... My laptop is set up with an encrypted root filesystem using LVM and dmcrypt. It also has a small Debian stable system for recovery purposes (I don't have a CD drive, so if everything goes horribly wrong, I can't just boot from a live CD). Here's how to set up something similar:

Step 1. Set up the recovery system Start the Debian lenny (beta) installer as usual. (I originally used etch, but these instructions are for lenny - either should work.) When you get to "Partition disks", choose "Manual". Here's the partitioning scheme to use:
  • main partition for LVM, taking up the whole disk minus 1GB or so. select "Do not use", for now
  • 1GB recovery partition at the end of the disk (this will also be the main system's /boot, since /boot needs to be unencrypted anyway). Use the defaults: ext3 mounted at /.
Finish partitioning and write changes to disk, and wait for the base system to install. Say yes to installing Grub to the MBR for now (it might be possible to do the install more cleanly by installing Grub to the recovery partition's boot sector instead - I haven't tested that). Reboot into the freshly installed recovery system and satisfy yourself that it works.

Step 2. Set up the main system Now boot the Debian installer again. This time it's for your installed system. At the "Partition disks" stage, choose "Manual" again. Select the main partition and choose "Use as: physical volume for encryption". Next select "Configure encrypted volumes". Your main partition will now be randomized - this is slow - and some time later you'll be asked for a passphrase. You'll have to type this in at each boot. Select the contents of the "disk" Encrypted volume (hda1_crypt) and choose Use as: physical volume for LVM. Now "Configure the Logical Volume Manager" and create a Volume Group. I always use the laptop's hostname as the VG name (this reduces confusion if you ever plug the disk into another machine for disaster recovery). Create a Logical Volume called swap, the size you want your swap space to be. If you plan to use suspend-to-disk, this needs to be at least as large as your RAM. Create a Logical Volume called root, for the root filesystem. If you want separate "partitions" for things like /home, now is a good time to create them too; if you want to use my schroot howto, leave some unallocated space in the VG for that. Set your swap LV to be used as a swap area, and your root LV to be used as ext3 mounted at /. If you wanted extra LVs, set them up too. Also set your recovery partition to be used as ext3, mounted on /boot, and not reformatted. It should now look something like this (smcvcrypt is the name of a KVM virtual machine in which I've been testing these instructions, normally you'd have the laptop's hostname there). Screenshot from d-i Proceed with the installation. Install Grub to the MBR - this will temporarily make the recovery system unbootable, but shrug never mind. Finish the installation and reboot into your new main system.

Step 3. Make them dual-boot Within the main system your recovery system is also visible, at /boot. Bind-mount /dev onto /boot/dev, chroot into /boot, and run "update-grub /dev/hda2", where hda2 is the partition where the recovery partition is. Leave the chroot. Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and put this right at the end:
title Go to recovery system
root (hd0,1)
chainloader +1
(Replace (hd0,1) with what Grub thinks the recovery partition is - the second number is the partition number starting from 0, so /dev/hda5 would be (hd0,4) and so on.) Also edit /boot/boot/grub/menu.lst and put this right at the end:
title Back to main system
root (hd0)
chainloader +1
Also, still in /boot/boot/grub/menu.lst, go to the top of the file and change the colour scheme to something else (I used a red background) to indicate that this boot menu is for the recovery system. Reboot and try it out. You should now have an extra boot menu option, "Recovery system". Selecting it will switch to the recovery system's boot menu, which has an option to switch back, and so on. Each boot menu also has some entries for kernels, any of which will boot with the appropriate root filesystem (encrypted root for the main system, unencrypted for the recovery system). Success!

Simon McVittie: Integrating Enemies of Carlotta with Postfix

From the "doing sysadmin over wobbly 3G while waiting for our plane to be allowed to take off" department comes this bit of mailing list setup. By his own admission, Rob is better at configuring Postfix than he is at making blog posts, so I get to be the one posting this...
09:58 <@Robot101> my postfix -> eoc integration is basically ninja, if I might 
                  say so myself
09:58 <@Robot101> so, an eoc transport in
09:58 <@Robot101> eoc       unix  -       n       n       -       10      pipe 
                  user=list argv=/usr/bin/enemies-of-carlotta --quiet 
                  --incoming --sender=$ sender  --recipient=$ recipient 
09:59 <@Robot101> then in
09:59 <@Robot101> eoc_destination_recipient_limit = 1
09:59 <@Robot101> virtual_mailbox_domains =
09:59 <@Robot101> virtual_mailbox_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/list_transports
09:59 <@Robot101> transport_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/list_transports
09:59 <@Robot101> then a script/cron:
09:59 <@Robot101> su -c "enemies-of-carlotta --show-lists" list   sed 
                  's,\(.*\)@\(.*\),/^\1(-[^@]*)?@\2$/ eoc,' 
09:59 <@Robot101> giving list_transports like this:
09:59 <@Robot101> /^test(-[^@]*)?$/ eoc
09:59 <@Robot101> (thanks to smcv for assistance with regexp-generation regexp)
10:01 <@wjt> ten points for using the best -named mlm
10:01 <@Robot101> 2000 points for not having a mailing list system held 
                  together with procmail, shell, duct tape, gash and string

Simon McVittie: Speeding up builds with ccache and icecc

Here's a script I use to speed up compilation at work. Since I work at Collabora, I call it collaboratively. It's a prefix to a command (used in the same way as sudo or nice) which sets up icecc (Icecream) and ccache to work nicely together.
# ~/bin/collaboratively
# Typical usage: collaboratively make check
PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/lib/icecc/bin$(echo :$PATH   sed -e s@:/usr/lib/ccache@@g)
export PATH
MAKEFLAGS='-j -l3'
exec "$@"
Some more explanation of what it does: apt-get install icecc-monitor and run icemon to see whether this is all working - if it is, you should see compile jobs going off to other hosts.

3 November 2008

Adeodato Sim : Software that rocks

From the “Software that recently rocked my pants” department: I also thank Martin F. Krafft for helpfully updating the encryption howto I followed for my previous laptop to mention that using a single encrypted device and LVM on top of it is (possibly) preferred nowadays. And to Simon McVittie for his idea of a small unencrypted Debian installation for recovery purposes in laptops without an optical drive. P.S.: I can’t believe this shit about blogging every day in November.

5 August 2008

Sami Haahtinen: Locales, recap

After my post yesterday about locales and my problems, I got some comments. Bryan, Simon and Wouter all pointed out what eventually figured out too but didn't mention in the post (I actually had to re-read the post to see what I wrote) that LC_ALL overrides all of the settings. Even though I figured it out eventually, with these comments it finally me that the purpose is actually to temporarily override the locale. Another thing that didn't occur to me while figuring out the correct locale for my system was that I'm thinking about it all wrong. Since I've already gotten used to broken locales I kept thinking that I want en_US locale with some Finnish settings, but in reality I wanted fi_FI locale with English language. I have to admit that I was pretty sceptical about the solution but decided to try it out. And to my surprise, it actually worked! So the final solution is this: LANG="fi_FI.UTF-8"
It is a pretty clean solution and I'm happy to live with it. And as Simon pointed out, administrator changes should be preserved through upgrades. If not, one should file a bug for it. There we go, another problem solved. Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

16 April 2008

Simon McVittie: Implementing D-Bus services with telepathy-glib

16:46 < epmf> tp-glib is made of magic

—#telepathy, 2008-04-15

Rob pointed out today that I'd been promising to blog about telepathy-glib for several months and still haven't done so. I think there's too much to cover in one blog post, so I'll start with the oldest part - implementing a service (typically a Telepathy connection manager).

While telepathy-glib is (obviously) intended for Telepathy implementors, I think the ideas we've been implementing are likely to be useful for any D-Bus API, particularly flexible/complex APIs where an object implements many interfaces.

Introduction to telepathy-glib telepathy-glib started out as a collection of code extracted from our XMPP connection manager, telepathy-gabble, but at some point it grew beyond that into a wrapper around/partial replacement for dbus-glib. We've been quite pleased with it, really :-) My first major round of work on telepathy-glib, during the first half of 2007, was to split it out from telepathy-gabble (versions up to 0.5.9 were released as part of Gabble 0.5.x tarballs, in fact), leading to the release of the 0.6.x stable branch in late September. This was very helpful for implementing connection managers - Salut, Idle and telepathy-sofiasip (our connection managers for link-local XMPP, IRC and SIP) all started off by forking/cargo-culting from Gabble, and achieved huge code reductions by porting to telepathy-glib. Also, Will Thompson used it in his Summer of Code project, telepathy-haze, to go from nothing to a working and useful Telepathy implementation based on libpurple in a matter of a few months. The second major round of work, which I'll discuss in a later article, added client code to telepathy-glib, obsoleting the older/worse libtelepathy and allowing client programs like Empathy and telepathy-stream-engine to be written using telepathy-glib. In the process, I accidentally reinvented DBusGProxy :-) More details to come later!
Some background: service-side code generation
The secret Collabora code-generation process

(credit: daf)

Supporting D-Bus in the GObject world has always involved quite a lot of code generation. The core API of dbus-glib is heavily reliant on varargs functions, which aren't type-safe and are easy to get wrong. dbus-glib contains a program called dbus-binding-tool, which is meant to generate reasonably sane GObject APIs for D-Bus objects. Unfortunately, it seems to be intended to generate a whole GObject at a time. Early versions of telepathy-gabble used dbus-binding-tool plus a script called to generate API stubs for the exported objects; developers then filled in the blanks, and hey presto, we had a GObject on D-Bus. This was fine up to a point, but had a couple of major drawbacks. Whenever we changed the D-Bus API (quite common during the early development of Telepathy), there was a very laborious and error-prone merging process. We ended up with the following process:
  • copy the D-Bus introspection XML from the telepathy-spec repository into a directory xml/pristine (actually, the canonical form for the spec was Python for a while, and we had a script that exported a contrived object onto D-Bus and introspected itself to get the XML - but that's another story!)
  • preprocess the introspection XML to add the dbus-glib CFunctionName annotation, resulting in a directory xml/modified
  • run dbus-binding-tool and a Python script to generate C source in xml/src
  • three-way-diff the old version of xml/src, the new version of xml/src, and the real C code in src to create a new version of src
  • pray that the diff process hadn't randomly exchanged functions' implementations
  • update the resulting code in src so it worked
  • check the whole mess back into darcs
  • hope that nobody else had made changes that would result in darcs conflicts
If you haven't yet gathered, this was a bit of a nightmare. Also, it was very easy to return the wrong thing from a method without noticing - because all the APIs were varargs, the compiler didn't notice, and the first we'd know about it was a mysterious segfault under certain circumstances.
How telepathy-glib fixes code generation telepathy-glib improves on this by taking advantage of this innocuous-looking feature in dbus-glib:
commit 355ef78d98d6fc65715845d56232199162cab12a
Author: Steve Frécinaux <steve istique net>
Date:   Thu Aug 17 11:48:20 2006 +0200
    Interface support for bindings.
Instead of running dbus-binding-tool or creating GObjects with D-Bus interfaces, we put the entire Telepathy spec through, a distant descendant of Gabble's For each interface in the spec, we generate a GInterface that mirrors the D-Bus interface. Any GObject that implements the GInterface automatically gets the D-Bus interface if it's exported onto D-Bus. There are a few non-obvious refinements, though:
  • The signature of the method implementation is always in the mode that dbus-glib calls "asynchronous", where the method implementation can either send a reply message before or after it returns. For "slow" methods, this is the only thing you can do. For instance, many Telepathy D-Bus methods can't return anything until some TCP round-trips to the server have happened. This is also the only thing you can do if you want to extract extra information, like the sender's unique name, from the method-call message (dbus-glib's "synchronous" API doesn't allow this to be done). For "fast" methods, sending a reply message before returning is just as easy as using the "synchronous" API (it's just a difference of syntax), and has an API consistent with that of the "slow" methods, making it easier for service authors.

  • The layout of the GInterface vtable is private, and (auto-generated) accessor functions are used to fill in implementations. This means our ABI doesn't change just because we re-ordered functions in the spec.

  • If no implementation is provided for a method, we just raise an appropriate error (org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Errors.NotImplemented), rather than suffering an assertion failure. This means we can safely add methods to an interface.

  • While we're generating code anyway, we generate some static inline wrapper functions which wrap dbus_g_method_return(), to have type-safe method returns. You can easily check that a method replies with correct types, by checking that the implementation of Foo() replies by calling tp_svc_some_interface_return_from_foo().

  • Similarly, we generate wrapper functions to emit signals, to get type-safe signal emission.

Not all interfaces are stable enough to be included in telepathy-glib's stable API and ABI, so some of our other projects include a copy of the telepathy-glib code-generation tools, and generate their own "mini-telepathy-glib" (traditionally in a /extensions/ directory) for their implementation-specific (drafts of) interfaces. This isn't yet as polished as it ought to be (mainly because we don't want to freeze the augmented-introspection-XML format that we write the Telepathy spec in, because it's rather ad-hoc and hackish in places) but it works quite well in practice. To see what this looks like in practice, have a look at the examples in telepathy-glib, or at a Telepathy connection manager like telepathy-gabble.
Mixins and base classes Another feature of telepathy-glib which makes life easier for connection manager authors is that it provides "mixins" and base classes which implement some of the GInterfaces. There's absolutely nothing magic about the base classes - they don't have any access to private implementation details of the GInterfaces, they just implement them like everyone else does. The "mixins" are only slightly more magical - they store some extra state inside the structures representing GObjects and their classes, and use it to provide default implementations of some or all of the methods on a particular interface (or two interfaces, in the case of the new TpMessageMixin). I'll leave it up to Rob to explain those in greater detail, since I seem to remember that he invented them :-P The examples and regression tests in telepathy-glib are quite good examples of how these work in practice.

20 January 2008

Simon McVittie: A magical xrandr incantation

Here's a handy incantation I use with the Intel graphics driver on my laptop.

Put this script somewhere convenient:

if xrandr   grep '^VGA connected' >/dev/null
    #echo "VGA connected"
    xrandr --output VGA --above LVDS --auto
    xrandr --output LVDS --auto
    #echo "VGA not connected"
    xrandr --auto
fi 2>&1   logger -t xrandr-hotkey

and bind it to your "switch video mode" key, e.g. Fn+F7 on my Thinkpad X60s. For instance, I run xbindkeys, so I saved it as autoxrandr and put this in ~/xbindkeysrc:

"exec /home/smcv/bin/autoxrandr"

Now if you press the "switch video mode" key with a monitor plugged in, you'll get the external monitor appearing above the laptop panel (my preferred configuration - I've balanced my monitor on an N800 box to get the bottom of the screen level with the top of my laptop's screen). If you press that key again after unplugging the VGA cable, the laptop will turn off the VGA output and pull all the windows onto the built-in screen.

11 December 2007

Adam Rosi-Kessel: Doonesbury on Pandora

A sign of cultural permeation: both Doonesbury and my father have discovered Pandora.
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